Katalin Kolcsár commenced her studies in music at the Székely Mikó Reformed High School in Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sfântu Gheorghe) under the direction of Enikő Valádi, who quickly discovered her talent. She continued her studies at the Gheorghe Dima Academy of Music in Kolozsvár (Cluj Napoca) under professors Ramona Eremia, Carmen Gurban and Elena Andries Moldovan. She has won awards at several Romanian and international competitions, becoming the youngest artist ever to place at the Hariclea Darclèe International Singing Competition and taking second place and the audience award at the competition organised as part of the Bucharest Music Festival. She also took first place at the Romanian Song Competition in Brassó (Brașov). Through numerous appearances both in Romania and abroad (including in Budapest, London, Berlin and Toronto), she has developed into a seasoned and expressive singer with the Hungarian Opera of Kolozsvár. Since 2009, she has been a member of Operettissimo.