Every day from 1 to 24 December, the Hungarian State Opera presents its audience with a video clip of a vocal curiosity under the title O/ADVENT.
The self-produced recordings available on the OPERA website feature popular arias, excerpts from operas, songs, and instrumental pieces in the interpretation of Gabriella Balga, Eszter Balogh, Andrea Brassói-Jőrös, Gábor Bretz, Szabolcs Brickner, Gergely Boncsér, Krisztián Cser, Attila Fekete, Máté Fülep, Zsolt Haja, Lilla Horti, István Horváth, Zsófia Kálnay, Kinga Kriszta, István Kovácsházi, Boldizsár László, András Palerdi, Béla Perencz, István Rácz, Rita Rácz, Orsolya Sáfár, Andrea Szántó, Csaba Szegedi, Zita Szemere, László Szvétek, Laura Topolánszky, and Zita Váradi as well as members of the OPERA Orchestra and Chorus accompanied on the piano by Krisztina Andrássy-Neuenstein, László Bartal, Balázs Kálvin, Kálmán Szennai and Csaba Sámuel Tóth.
Beside the recordings, the calendar also presents one-day offers including ticket discounts for the current season, which are available together with the videos every morning from 7 a.m. on the OPERA website. This is how the Hungarian State Opera wants to provide ideas for Christmas gifts, and at the same time set the tone for the upcoming holidays with uplifting and heartfelt content.