Service and personal example
In autumn of 2013, the Hungarian State Opera launched the “Opera Ambassador” programme, in which it dispatches to all parts of Hungary those artists who have found their calling in, and who know and love the genre and the Opera House, to introduce young people to this marvellous art form. The aim of the programme is to help inculcate a young generation of opera-goers with a wider perspective and cultural understanding, addressing these children and young people in their own element.
The Ambassadors conduct high-quality presentations and courses as part of sessions held either inside or outside regular class time, based on a schedule and format arranged specifically for that institution, for any level from kindergarten through to high school. Our ambassadors are also happy to visit retirement homes, cultural centres and nonprofit organisations, and their functions also include the nurturing of talent and popularising the OperaAdventure series: all this in more than 1000 presentations a year.
Info: nagykovet@opera.hu